2022 season rates

Annual Fees:

20' or shorter $900.00
21' - 22" $950.00
22' - 23" $1000.00
24" - 25' $1050.00
26' - 27' $1100.00
28' - 29' $1150.00
30' - 31" $1200.00
32' - 33' $1250.00
34' - 35' $1300.00
36' + $1350.00

Daily Launch $10.00

Season Launch $120.00

Overnight Slips
Daily Slips $1.25 per foot
Mimimum $22.00
Weekly Slips $160.00
Monthly Slips $450.00
Ramp fee waived on over night slips

Pump Out $10.00
Daily Parking $3.00 per car

Annex Boat & Trailer Parking
$185 for the Season

Prices subject to change
without Notice

Bait and Tackle

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Located at the dock
Click here for more details

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